Safety Driving Guideline for Expecting Mothers

As an expecting mother, your instincts include being more cautious and preventive. This is especially required when driving as your condition necessitates a slew of safety procedures. For that reason, we’ve enlisted a few useful safety tips to follow for expecting mothers.
Airbag Activation
Whether pregnant or not, keeping the airbags deactivated while driving is not recommended. It often comes as an option in cars, but as mentioned, it is best to keep it activated for safety purposes. This, combined with correct seat belt usage, works as a shield for both you and your baby.
Seatbelt Placement
In a normal scenario, there is only one way to put on a seat belt. This rule, however, doesn’t apply to pregnant women. The correct way is to place the horizontal part under your belly to avoid any pressure and the top band across your chest. You could also check with your chosen luxury rent a car if they provide a belt adapter as it ensures optimal placement and maximum safety. The purpose of the adapter is to hold the belt in place and prevents it from slipping or loosening.
Avoid Emergency Breaks
Given the traffic situation in Dubai, this is one factor pregnant drivers need to take into consideration. If you have to drive in congested areas, keeping in the slow lane is best. This way, you can drive cautiously and not have to apply emergency breaks or even accelerate.
Driving Seat Adjustment
For safe driving, while pregnant, it is advised that you sit at least 25 cm away from the steering wheel and should be pointed toward the breastbone rather than the abdomen. In addition, the driver's seat should be in a comfortable upright position, with as much space between the steering wheel and the stomach as possible while also ensuring the pedals and steering wheel are reachable.
Get An Additional Driver
Pregnancy is a period when women need to pay close attention to their bodies and understand their limits. Pregnant women should avoid driving whenever feasible, especially as their pregnancy advances. If any of the following situations apply to you, do not attempt to drive: your doctor has advised you not to, you are dizzy, exhausted, or nauseous, or you believe you are in labor. To counteract the symptoms mentioned earlier, you can also take car motion sickness prevention.
Always get medical advice from a specialist. It's not a good idea to drive if you're having contractions, problems with your pregnancy, or are on the verge of going into labor prematurely. In such cases, we recommend getting an additional driver option from the luxury car hire service provider so that they can drive your car in case of an emergency.