Four Innovative Technologies That Will Help You Drive Better

The future of automobiles is safe, smart, and bright thanks to the efficient use of technology that has unprecedently transformed the appearance and performance of cars and has made them more user-friendly. While some fear that technology is more of an impediment than a facilitator steps to curb irresponsible use ensure that the future of transportation and driving is exciting and beneficial to those behind the wheel. Our rent a car experts bring four innovations that technology has provided to cars to enhance our time on the roads, as well as what the future holds.
Autonomous Cars
Autonomous cars, often known as self-driving cars, are unquestionably the way of the future. With the use of sensors that can sense their surroundings, these cars can drive and perform without the need for human interaction. The primary goal of these cars is to reduce human error by allowing AI to take control of the vehicle. Many car companies, notably Audi and Tesla, have already begun developing and testing active technology for the production of such vehicles. However, the concept appears to be quite unrealistic at the time, but technology is the foundation of the impossible becoming possible.
Voice Instructions
We've all heard of Alexa, a powerful virtual assistant AI system that can let us access any information on the internet via voice commands. With modern car voice command technology being actively researched and tested across the globe, a comparable capability may soon become a part of your vehicle. Being able to talk to your car directly can aid you in a variety of ways, from finding a parking spot to gaining navigational advice while on the road.
Brain Controlled Cars
Many automobile engineers and scientists are developing brain-controlled vehicles using brain wave technologies. This innovation will help drivers in evasive actions by detecting whether they are ready to stop, swerve, or engage in any other type of driving maneuver. Currently, this technology can only be used if the driver is wearing an electrode-enhanced helmet, but a wireless version will be available soon. This technology, on the other hand, is years behind the curve in terms of implementation, but once the boat is sailed, there's no stopping it.
Inter-Vehicular Communication
Inter-vehicle communications, which are defined as communications between cars for ITS applications, have the advantage of extending the horizon of drivers and onboard sensors. Inter-vehicle communication systems are thus extremely advantageous to road traffic safety and efficiency. Although in recent times, most automobiles are already connected to the internet, allowing us to access vital information when on the road. Vehicles will be able to interact with each other automatically in the near future, similar to self-driving cars. Inter-car communication can effectively prevent accidents that would not have occurred otherwise. The system will foresee the probability of an accident and advise the driver to take the appropriate precautions, according to how it is being developed.