Common Driver Distractions and How to Avoid Them

Along with speeding, drinking, and driver fatigue, distracted driving is one of the top four factors that lead to fatal car accidents in Dubai. More concerning is the fact that distracted driving incidents have been steadily rising ever since smartphones became an indispensable part of our daily lives. So, let us move on to understand the different types of distractions, which are categorized into four types. This will assure you a safe rent a car driving experience.
Cognitive Distraction
This type of distraction can cause drivers to lose focus on the road.
Using your phone for a call
Talking to passengers
Zoning out or daydreaming
Focusing on kids screaming
Stressing about work
Visualizing a meeting
Visual Distraction
This type of distraction causes drivers to take their eyes off the road.
Checking your phone
Focusing more on maps than the road
Changing the radio channel
Admiring the scenery
Audio Distraction
We don’t just use our eyes but also our ears when driving. Distraction to it can pose a threat.
Kids fighting
Babies crying
Loud Music
Exterior Noise
Physical Distraction
If any activity causes you to take your hands off the wheel, that too can be hazardous.
Using the infotainment system
Checking your phone
Picking something off the floor
Getting stuff from the back seat
Applying makeup
Tips To Maintain Focus On Driving
In order to ensure you’re ready to hit the road, endure your seat is in an optimal position, mirrors are adjusted, and your maps are already on. Apart from this, you should ensure your windows are clean for clear vision, the kids are seated, and you have your favorite music on. Now that you have understood all the causes, it would be best to follow all the tips before going ahead.