What To Do When Your Rental Car Is Overheating?

What To Do When Your Rental Car Is Overheating?

If the car that you are driving for hire is overheating, then you should park the car, and switch off the engine. If you heat the coolant, then it is advisable not to check the coolant level immediately as this may result in the coolant becoming hot. If you don’t want your car alarm to take long before being resolved, you can track the services of roadside assistance. If you seek economic choices, you should try to find cheap monthly car hire Dubai so that you will have regular transport and avoid overheating problems in the future.

Recognize the Signs of Overheating

The color that catches your attention before is red or the steam rising from under the hood are the signs that require immediate action. These symptoms are dangerous if they are not attended to hence the need to avoid overheating at all costs.

Find a Safe Place to Pull Over

In case of any sign showing that your car is overheating, search for a safe spot to park your car. To signal to other drivers and to make sure that your vehicle is off the roadway put on the hazard lights.

Turn Off the Engine

When the car is parked, ensure that the engine is switched off as soon as possible. This is to avoid aggravating the situation as well as to give the car a chance to cool off. Do not open the hood at first since hot steam and coolant can be dangerous and cause burns.

Wait for the Engine to Cool

It is recommended that one should not check the coolant level when the engine is hot, it is advisable to let it cool first. This takes 30 minutes or more. As a result, one should not try to open the radiator cap during this period.

Check Coolant Levels

When the engine is cold look at the levels of the coolant. If it’s low add the relative coolant or water if needed. Some aspects to bear in mind include avoiding the taking of hot fluids.

Contact Roadside Assistance

If you cannot handle the problem or if the problem is not solveable on the spot, call the AAA. They can tow if there is a need to hire one or offer help instantly.

Bottom Line

Getting stuck in a car is not the best feeling, especially if you are in a rental car, but these measures will assist you slightly. In the future, they may need another car rental service, this time not cheap monthly car hire Dubai, but a car that would not pose such problems.