Comprehensive Guide On Parking Fines In Abu Dhabi

Comprehensive Guide On Parking Fines In Abu Dhabi

In the bustling city of Abu Dhabi, the demand for parking spaces is high. Thus, to ensure a smooth traffic flow and reduce road traffic blocking in the city, the authority has applied severe regulations and limitations. In addition, parking fines in Abu Dhabi will be imposed on anyone who breaks these rules. Moreover, these fines differ from minor to serious punishments.

To help you in obeying with Abu Dhabi's parking regulations and keep away from any traffic fines in the city, we have placed together a comprehensive guide on Abu Dhabi's parking types and rules. Thus, in this blog, we will explore the significant information about parking rules and fines.

Parking Violations Types In Abu Dhabi

The government in Abu Dhabi has also suggested some parking violation types which can help people to understand parking rules. However, it has been suggested that the types of parking violations contains parking a vehicle in a prohibited area, no-parking zones, parking on a spot meant for handicapped people. Moreover, parking on a walkway, and parking on a fire lane, and additionally parking on a pedestrian crossing have also been considered under Abu Dhabi Parking laws violations.

  1. Parking in a No-Parking or Prohibited Zone

It has been suggested that parking in a zone, where it is clearly prohibited by markings, signs, or laws. Moreover, it is added in the parking rules of Abu Dhabi to not you’re your vehicle in the restricted and no-parking areas. However, the restricted parking zones can include places designated for emergency vehicles, bus stops, and loading areas. 

  1. Parking in a Place That Is Designed For Disabled People

It is evaluated that this signifies parking in a designated area for individuals with disabilities without driving permits or license plates. However, these areas are usually positioned near the building entrance for easy access. Moreover, these parking spaces are larger than normal parking spaces. 

  1. Parking Vehicle in a Fire Lane

It has been evaluated that parking in a fire lane describes parking in specified locations so that emergency vehicles can have easy access and park easily during a fire emergency. Moreover, parking in these places can block emergency vehicles and possibly delay their response time. Therefore, it is prohibited to park on fire lane.

  1. Parking On a Pedestrian Crossing

This signifies parking on a crosswalk or pathway designed to allow people to safely cross the road. Moreover, parking in these zones can require pedestrians to go around the parked car, which can be threatening to their safety. Thus, it is clearly mentioned in parking to avoid parking on pedestrian crossings.

  1. Parking on a Sidewalk

It has been evaluated that parking on a sidewalk can block the way of the people. Moreover, it also forces people to walk on the main road, which can be dangerous for them.

Fines On Different Types Of Parking Violations

Type of Parking Violation

Penalty (AED)

Black Points

Vehicle Impoundment

License Suspension

Illegally parking on a sidewalk



7 days

60 days

Stopping on a pedestrian crossing



7 days

60 days

Parking in a restricted area



7 days

60 days

Leaving a vehicle in a no-parking zone



3 days

30 days

Unauthorized use of a handicapped spot



7 days

90 days

Parking in an emergency/fire lane



7 days

90 days

Different Ways To Pay Parking Fines In Abu Dhabi

It has been evaluated that in three ways people can pay Abu Dhabi Parking fines.  However, it includes payment through websites, applications, post offices, and banks.

  1. Online Payment Via Police Website Abu Dhabi

It has been recommended that this approach allows you to pay your parking fines in Abu Dhabi through their police website by using your credit card. Furthermore, you can simply go to the website and search for the services section click “pay a fine” and then enter your details. It will require your fine details and information about your payment. Additionally, this Abu Dhabi fine payment online method can also save your time of visiting the bank or post offices.

  1. Payment Via the Mobile App “Darb

It has been suggested that payment through the “Darb” application is the easiest method for the payment of Abu Dhabi parking fines. This requires downloading applications on your mobile and creating an account. Additionally, it also requires information of fines and payment details.

  1. Payment at Post Offices and Selected Bank Accounts

In Abu Dhabi, you can pay your parking fines in person at selected banks and post offices. However, in this method you only need payment in cash additionally your fine notice.

Guidelines For Avoiding Parking Fines In Abu Dhabi

  1. Focus on Markings and Indications Of Parking

To avoid parking fines in Abu Dhabi, get to know with the specific parking signs. Moreover, focus on the signs in the parking area while it can help you to park in the right place and remain protected from fines.

  1. Avoid Parking Your Vehicle In Prohibited Areas

It is suggested that all the citizens and tourists in Abu Dhabi not park their vehicles in prohibited areas. Moreover, if you park your car there, a penalty will be imposed on you as per law.

  1. Always Park Your Car in an Authorized Area

It has been suggested that everyone should park their vehicle in an authorized parking area to avoid fines. However, do not park your vehicle anywhere for your convenience. Therefore, in Abu Dhabi, you will usually find a specific space for parking.

  1. Avoid Parking Your Vehicle on Pedestrian Crossings and Sidewalks

In addition, it has been recommended that pedestrian crossings and sidewalks are to facilitate people to walk safely. However, as per the law it has been suggested that not to park your vehicle on sidewalks and pedestrian crossings. In case someone parked their vehicle will have to pay fines according the law.

  1. Avoid Parking on the Place of Disabled People and Emergency Lanes

In Abu Dhabi, you must make sure that you haven’t parked your vehicle in the place that is selected for disabled people and also on emergency lanes. However, they are especially reserved for them in addition to spoiling this rule may lead to a significant penalty.


In short, it has been estimated that Abu Dhabi law on parking is strict. Furthermore, disobeying the parking rules in the Abu Dhabi may lead you to a penalty. However, in Abu Dhabi it is recommended for everyone to understand the rules and signs of parking and follow them to avoid any parking fines in Abu Dhabi.